Therapy for OCD
Online Therapy for Adults in Florida and Iowa

You feel stuck in a cycle—one you haven’t
been able to break on your own.

The repetitive, intrusive thoughts, the urges or compulsions you can’t resist… Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can make you feel like you’re trapped by your own thoughts. You might feel like you’re not in control of your actions anymore. Even though you might logically know these thoughts and behaviors aren’t helping, you don’t know how to stop them.

OCD can look a little different for everyone. You might be experiencing worries or compulsions related to:

  • Contamination or cleanliness

  • Fear of hurting someone

  • Responsibility or checking (such as doors or appliances)

  • Relationships or sexual orientation

  • Need to have things be “just right” (such as balance or symmetry)

  • Physical health (such as cancer)

You’re ready to take back the reins of your life. You’re willing to do what it takes to feel at peace in your mind and body again. You want to remember and get back in touch with who you truly are.

OCD isn’t the enemy.

Your thoughts and behaviors started as a way to protect you, and now they’re going off like false alarms.
In therapy, you can dial down those alarms and interrupt the cycles you feel caught in.

Therapy with me isn’t :





Therapy with me is :





Exposure and Response Prevention can help you break the cycle of obsessions and compulsions.

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is a form of therapy designed to treat OCD. After getting to know one another and establishing your goals for therapy, we can incorporate ERP to begin reducing the urges and compulsions you feel trapped by.

We’ll gradually expose you to situations that relate to your obsessive thoughts while finding other ways to reduce the anxiety or distress caused by them (where you have usually engaged in a compulsion). You’ll set the pace in this process—we will never push to do something you don’t feel ready for. I’ll be with you every step of the way, and as the exposures increase over time, your strength to resist the urges and respond differently will, too.

And because I know you might be feeling this way…

OCD is not a sign of weakness, and it’s not your fault.

In therapy, you won’t just learn ways to “cope” with your OCD—you’ll also learn how it works and how to manage it over time. As you feel empowered knowing you are not your OCD, you can learn to be okay with uncertainty and learn to trust yourself again.

Through our work together, you’ll learn how to respond—rather than just react—to your OCD. Whereas reacting means jumping to compulsions, responding means you can observe what your mind is doing and choose your next step. It’s possible to see your OCD thoughts differently and make decisions accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions About Online Therapy for OCD

+ How does online therapy for OCD work?

We will meet weekly for 45 minutes via a 100% private, HIPAA-compliant video platform. Our first few sessions will be all about getting to know one another, understanding the challenges you’re facing, and making sure you feel comfortable. From there, we will develop a “treatment plan” (a formal way of saying “what your goals are and how we will reach them”). We’ll discuss the right methods to help address your OCD, whether that’s Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) or another approach, and begin incorporating those into our sessions.

+ How long do I need to be in therapy for OCD?

Some clients begin to see significant changes in the first 3-4 months of working together, but this varies from person to person. We’ll monitor your progress regularly and have open conversations about your treatment plan. My goal is to see you get to a point where you feel confident in your own skills and no longer reliant on me!

+ How often will we meet?

In the beginning, we will meet weekly to establish our relationship and the groundwork for treatment, then reassess as we go. Sometimes clients will drop down to every other week or once a month — whatever is needed to maintain the support that is best for them.

+ Can you treat OCD with online therapy?

Yes! Research has found ERP therapy to be equally as effective when administered online as in person. It also allows you to face your anxieties in a “real” setting, where compulsions are most likely to occur—such as your home or office—which can help you more easily apply the skills you gain to real life.

Have more questions about online therapy? Visit the FAQs page by clicking here.

+ How do we get started?

Schedule a free consultation by clicking the button below to contact me. I’ll answer any questions you have, discuss what led you to look for therapy for OCD, and determine if we may be a good fit. Then we’ll schedule your first appointment. Can’t wait to hear from you!